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Berklix will dump all Yahoo & Hotmail mail addresses.

This is:

See Also: Do Not Send From Spammer Domains inc. some Bad Providers


A thread from admins who use the Mailman robot to run lists, naming junk providers who periodicaly break.


  • Yahoo are screwing up Yet Again, bought by some company called Oath. Yawn! Plus ca meme Chose ! Just dump Yahoo !
  • List Owner: Hi, Yahoo screwing around again: If you have a non yahoo address please subscribe that instead.
  • A List Member: I only have Yahoo addresses and have had problems the last 2 days. I have refused a lot of Oath and their partner requests but I do not wish to receive their ads so I don't have a solution. I will write to Yahoo support telling them the problem . I've been receiving blank emails from companies I have received emails from from the USA for the last 10 years without a problem. So please try again in a few days. Thanks
  • List Owner: Thanks for the background. I suggest get another free account on another provider, ask friends for reccomendations.
    Every few years Yahoo screws up yet again, I've had a warning against Yahoo on Berklix pages maybe a decade now.
    If yahoo users stop getting mail from berklix lists, it wont be my decision, the robot will decide all on its own. it suspends people after a while if they bounce, then removes them a while later if still bouncing.
    I couldnt tell you numeric decision parameters offhand, Berklix just uses standard default numbers deemed by global consensus of Mailman develpers as right for average mail lists, I've not altered them for Berklix.

Summary pre 2019-03

  • Yahoo & Hotmail mail users who send or receive mail to/from any address (personal or list ) @Berklix should enlist from a new address from a new provider other than Yahoo & Hotmail, as all mail from @yahoo & will be dumped soon by Berklix .
  • Yahoo & Hotmail users on lists on @Berklix should enlist themselves with a non Yahoo & Hotmail address.
  • Why:
    • The Berklix mail list robot, Mailman has already started automatically unsubscribing Yahoo people: ( first was a Berklix event organiser <-- helga from bg-org@ --> in Nov. 2016, as Yahoo emitted too much noise back to Berklix server (presumably one per list posting); That person subscribed a better Non Yahoo address.
    • All Yahoo & Hotmail addresses will be deleted from all Berklix  lists  ; Yahoo & Hotmail is no longer acceptable. Mail from Yahoo & Hotmail to Berklix will be dropped by Berklix. To avoid Yahoo & Hotmail users thus being trapped on Berklix  lists , unable to mail change requests to the old Berklix list robot (Now superceded by new Mailman), they will be removed from Berklix  lists  before the block is implemented.
    • Please unlist your @yahoo & @hotmail address, & enlist with some better address, If you take no action, you will be removed, & no longer able to mail to or from @Berklix people or  lists .

What's The Problem ?

  • Yahoo previously blocked from accepting back spam sent from their site, forwarded back to Yahoo in the same format rogue spammers on Yahoo excreted it.
  • Yahoo demanded innocent recipient domain postmasters waste our time=money wrapping up excrement from Yahoo spammer customers in "Abuse Reporting Format", to save Yahoo their time & money, at our expense
  • Yahoo then blocked their, which per RFC etc is supposed to be a human who can deal with problems.
  • Yahoo & Hotmail have now withdrawn their postmaster@, now auto responding, requiring innocent postmasters waste More of their time with Yahoo & Hotmail web pages even if they're not customers of these excrement emitting providers.

Why Is The Problem Being Responded To Now ?

Yahoo were allowed many months to return to reason, & deal with their own problems. We've waited long enough. It's necessary to deal with Yahoo & Hotmail, before other mail providers might get tempted to also dump their work on innocent recipient domain postmasters.

What You Must Do If You Use Yahoo & Hotmail to access Berklix

Get a mail address with a more responsible mail provider. that has humans manning their postmaster@ & abuse@ addresses. There's plenty of free providers. Ask friends for suggestions. Enlist your new address to  lists  & remove your Yahoo & Hotmail address from those  lists  (if your Yahoo & Hotmail address hasn't already been purged).

Will It Affect Just, or also, & etc ?

It depends how obdurate Yahoo are. The situation might be different or might change with European subsidiaries. Maybe USA policy may be more aggressive than tolerated in Europe, USA Yahoo might or not have the nerve to coerce European subsidiaries. Maybe as press reports Yahoo is in financial crisis USA might at some stage merge domains on to common server IP numbers, if they do, that will mean more Yahoo mail being rejected.
If in doubt demand of your part of Yahoo if they already have or intend to block abuse@ & postmaster@.

Yahoo Honk Kong will be blocked (if not already), as so far it has emitted only spam to this domain.

Administration of this domain :

  • Will not work unpaid for Yahoo & Hotmail, Not to increase Yahoo & Hotmail profit, to decrease their loss, to subsidise their lay off programme, or any other reason.
  • Will not waste time converting spam from Yahoo & Hotmail to spam report format RFC5965 before returning it to abuse@yahoo.
  • Will not waste time unpaid, reading the RFC , & searching for free source based automatic tools that will convert a format from MUA (= Mailer User Agent)s eg EXMH to SRF.
  • Are not paid to admin this domain, it runs lots of free lists all with no advertising funding. No money is paid by anyone to fund time to waste working unpaid for Yahoo & Hotmail.
  • Will not work harder so Yahoo & Hotmail can earn more money by cutting its staffing costs. Yahoo & Hotmail etc's should deal with their own problem, & implement a robot behind their to filter forwarded spam into whatever format they might want. Not our responsibility to work unpaid for commercial providers that also emit spam.
  • It's fundamentally Wrong for a commercial provider, a source also of spam, to force their work of processing spam from their site, to unpaid administrators of innocent recipient domains of spam.
  • Was the RFC commissioned, or sponsored by people un-representative of or ignoring the wider _Free_ Internet ? Dominated perhaps by representatives of commercial ISPs like Yahoo & Hotmail, making money on advertising, assuming paid administrators were each end of every email server ?
  • If a dog excretes on the pavement, it's the owner's responsibility to remove excretia, not a pedestrian's responsibility to box up the excretia stuck on his shoe, carefully documenting the excretia in a format acceptable to the person who houses the dog.
  • Yahoo & Hotmail would have innocent recipients bear the burden of formatting into SRF, what some of their users who are spammers excrete.
  •   At Dec. 2010 Yahoo is laying off 500 staff, ie 4% How many used to deal with abuse@ mail ? How much of Yahoo work is now dumped on us, unpaid ?

A quick search for SRF tools

  • Does not seem to have found free source tools easily to hand ready to integrate into eg, EXMH & Claws, to forward a spam in RFC5965 to an abuse@ISP.
  • So Yahoo & Hotmail will be listed as a spammer domain, to dump all mail from Yahoo & Hotmail, to avoid unpaid work Yahoo & Hotmail demands.
  • Innocent people with @yahoo & @hotmail addresses will need to be removed from lists. Innocent personal recipients will unfortunately not receive personal mail from innocent senders @yahoo & @hotmail.
  • Yahoo gave no warning that was noticed in email response of past reports to abuse@, that they would enforce this RFC in X months time.
  • Yahoo were warned, but did not respond. The contagion needs to be excised before it might spread, tempting more responsible mail operators.
  • Those on any lists on @Berklix are requested to remove any @yahoo & @hotmail address, & enlist some other address.

Mail List Threads

Mail List Archive Copies

  • From Tue Dec 21 11:07:23 2010
    Message-Id: <>
    From: "Julian H. Stacey" <>
    Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 02:01:07 +0100
    Subject: Forward to abuse@@@ button for
    Hi hackers@@@,
    No reply to this on <> , so asking on this bigger list
    I just posted a question [see below] to,
    A similar question extends for nmh & claws-mail etc:
        Any tools to auto forward spam into RFC5965 format for abuse@@@ ?
    ] To:
    ] Subject: Forward to abuse@@@ button for ?
    ] Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 13:11:41 +0100
    ] Anyone working on an extension to EXMH 2.7.2 01/07/2005 to support
    ] (spam report format) ?
    ] I just got this bounced back to me:
    ] --------
    ] Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 13:44:15 -0800
    ] To: "Julian H. Stacey" <>
    ] Subject: RE: File for your claim! (fwd)  (KMM120695297V22240L0KM)
    ] From: Yahoo! Mail <>
    ] Reply-To: Yahoo! Mail <>
    ] MIME-Version: 1.0
    ] Content-Type: text/plain; charset = "us-ascii"
    ] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    ] X-Mailer: KANA Response
    ] Thank you for your email, but this address now only accepts messages in
    ] Abuse Reporting Format (
    ] To report abuse manually (or to get help with security or abuse related
    ] issues), please go to Yahoo! Abuse:
    ] For questions about using Yahoo! services, please visit Yahoo Help:
    ] Thank you,
    ]  - Yahoo! Customer Care
    ] Note: Please do not reply to this email as replies will not be answered.
    ] --------
    PS Spot the connection ?
    Yahoo dumps anti spam work on unpaid suckers.  Yahoo lays off 4% of staff,
  • Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 07:56:10 -1000
    From: Clifton Royston <>
    To: "Julian H. Stacey" <>
    Subject: Re: Forward to abuse@@@ button for
    Message-ID: <>
    > Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 02:01:07 +0100
    > From: "Julian H. Stacey" <>
    > Subject: Forward to abuse@@@ button for
    > To:
    > Message-ID: <>
    > Hi hackers@@@,
    > I just posted a question [see below] to,
    > A similar question extends for nmh & claws-mail etc:
    >    Any tools to auto forward spam into rfc5965 format for abuse@@@ ?
    > ] To:
    > ] From: Yahoo! Mail <>
    > ] Reply-To: Yahoo! Mail <>
    > ] MIME-Version: 1.0
    > ] Content-Type: text/plain; charset = "us-ascii"
    > ] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    > ] X-Mailer: KANA Response
    > ]
    > ] Thank you for your email, but this address now only accepts messages in
    > ] Abuse Reporting Format (
    > ]
    > ] To report abuse manually (or to get help with security or abuse related
    > ] issues), please go to Yahoo! Abuse:
    > ]
    > ]
    > ] For questions about using Yahoo! services, please visit Yahoo Help:
    > ]
    > ]
    > ] Thank you,
    > ]  - Yahoo! Customer Care
    > ]
    > ] Note: Please do not reply to this email as replies will not be answered.
    > ] --------
    > PS Spot the connection ?
    > Yahoo dumps anti spam work on unpaid suckers.  Yahoo lays off 4% of staff,
    > Cheers,
    > Julian
      The only reference I've seen to date on a public tool for ARF
    formatting are Perl modules - Mail::ARF, Email::ARF, and MIME::ARF; but
    you should be able to craft something with those.  ARF is a variation
    on the previously existing MIME Multipart/Report format, so you can
    also look at any MIME generation tools which play well with exmh.
    Email::ARF is on CPAN and a link to MIME::ARF can be found here:
      John Levine, a long-time FreeBSD user and Internet mail guru, was one
    of the developers who helped work it through the IETF, so I did some
    searches on his site (Google search on: "arf" but don't find
    anything specifically about tools.
      However, I can also inform you that that even if you submit a
    properly formatted ARF report, a good fraction of the time Yahoo! may
    still bounce it indicating that you must submit an ARF report.  I have
    seen a number of reports of that.  Outsourcing, I'm sure.  (They also
    have been known to firmly claim that a number of Yahoo's mail outbounds
    are not their servers.)  AOL will actually process ARF messages and so
    will some other major providers, so it's still worth doing.
      -- Clifton
        Clifton Royston  -- / also crippled by January 2012

From Fri Jan 27 12:15:14 2012 Received: from ( [])
Received: from (localhost [])
by (8.14.4/8.14.4/support2) with ESMTP id q0RB4IOM064196
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 03:04:18 -0800 (PST)
X-Authentication-Warning: ccpop23 set sender to using -f
Errors-To: <>
From: <>

This is an automated response; please do not reply to this email as replies will not be answered.
To get help with postmaster- or delivery-related related issues with Yahoo! Mail, service providers and mail administrators should visit
To report spam, please visit
Finally, for service providers who want to send automated abuse reports in the Abuse Reporting Format (ARF) involving Yahoo! Mail accounts, you may send them to and they will be processed automatically.
Thank you,
Yahoo! Customer Care

Do Not Mail From or Join from To Berklix

At 30th March 2012 Yahoo are still irresponsibly excreting spam by mail, & not accepting its return by same method: SMTP mail, not web http://. So Yahoo are about to be dumped by Berklix, ie All Yahoo addresses will be forcibly removed from all Berklix lists, & all Yahoo addresses will be blocked from sending to any Berklix domain.

Evidence against Hotmail

From Wed Jul 11 10:05:07 2012
Received: from BAY0-XMR-018.phx.gbl ( [])
    by (8.14.2/8.14.2) with ESMTP id q6B80ZvH023805
    for <>; Wed, 11 Jul 2012 08:00:35 GMT
Received: from mail pickup service by BAY0-XMR-018.phx.gbl with Microsoft SMTPSVC;
     Wed, 11 Jul 2012 01:00:28 -0700
From: Windows Live Hotmail <>
Subject: (fwd)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit
References: <>
Message-ID: <BAY0-XMR-018i8XKPl500054edd@BAY0-XMR-018.phx.gbl>
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 11 Jul 2012 08:00:28.0970 (UTC) FILETIME=[3CB338A0:01CD5F3B]
Date: 11 Jul 2012 01:00:28 -0700 is an unmonitored account. If you need assistance, please consult our help pages or visit 

Thank You,
Windows Live Hotmail Staff

From Wed Jul 11 11:00:11 2012
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 08:55:51 GMT
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <>
To: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;
Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details
Auto-Submitted: auto-generated (failure)

This is a MIME-encapsulated message

- --q6B8tpoF024086.1341996951/

The original message was received at Wed, 11 Jul 2012 08:55:49 GMT
from []

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
    (reason: 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable)

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
.. while talking to
>>> DATA
<<< 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
550 5.1.1 <> User unknown
<<< 503 Need Rcpt command.

- --q6B8tpoF024086.1341996951/
Content-Type: message/delivery-status

Reporting-MTA: dns;
Received-From-MTA: DNS;
Arrival-Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 08:55:49 GMT

Final-Recipient: RFC822;
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Remote-MTA: DNS;
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
Last-Attempt-Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 08:55:50 GMT

- --q6B8tpoF024086.1341996951/
Content-Type: message/rfc822

Return-Path: <>

"Windows Live ?" - Is that Microsoft ?
Seen the greedy giant advertising on German TV to disgruntled employees, to please rat on their employers if they'd seen bootleg software ? A creepy malicious smile on that female !
Avoid licence costs & dangers, use Free Software.
Avoid crappy ISPs that irresponsibly fail to place humans on their postmaster@ & abuse@ spam report addresses.

Stolen VotesBerklix.Net Computer AssociatesDomainsApache: Web ServerFreeBSD: Operating System