Would You Prefer Native English Speaking Internet Support
- Internet services & support available from from
native English speakers, inc. English consultants in Munich, & bilingual associates with English company.
- Yes we speak German too when you want.

- Servers & consultants available in the middle of
Europe: Munich, Germany
etc. (Good Internet connectivity with a major airport
English flexibility:
- No need to waste your time adapting to formal German
ways: searching German providers' web pages, full of
opaque tariffs, forms & verbose standard German
contract terms.
Transatlantic & other international companies
seeking a European base are often torn between two
opposing requirements:
A Geographically central European location & is
attractive for time zone, travel & logistics
(BTW Do not think there's only a 1 hour
time difference between eg London & Munich offices:
There's about 2 hours 30 minutes difference !
City of London offices aren't reliably answerable
till about 09:30 GMT; whereas many Munich businesses are
staffed by 08:00 CET (= 07:00 GMT))
- A UK or Eire base is attractive for international
native English language & flexible business
practices (versus continental European languages
& culture & more rigid legal & business
- Why not use us for Both
flexible English in central Europe.
- No limits on what we & associates can provide; Phone or Email to
- Tell
us in English or German what Technical Consultant
services, support & development etc you need. (If
it's not our expertise, we try to to suggest others you could