Preamble: Why read this ?
- Do you want to pay Microsoft for the rest of your life ?
(Both software version upgrades, & each time you buy new
PC hardware - did you know PCs without MS bundled in the cost
are cheaper ?! ) So why pay MS ?
- Are you bootlegging & scared they'll get you ? Or not
using lots of software that runs on MS cos it too requires
expensive licences ?
- Viruses & malware are usually targeted at
- Do you fancy software that's usually fixed in days,
discussed by an international community, awake 24/7 round the
clock ?
- We dont want your money. Our software is free, we don't
care if you use it or not. All we ask is if you fix or
enhance something, you give the improvment back to the
- Linux & BSD
are not Microsoft, but free, & have tens of thousans of
free packages,
& imagine an engine block made of hard crystal: with free
source code, no place for viruses to hide :-) & it's
totally free, & never need pay Microsoft again.
- To start to migrate free of MS, start using eg Firefox instead of MS-Explorer,
& try OpenOffice
or LibreOffice, then
download a free Linux (or BSD) CD/DVD or get a Linux
- @2018-11 There's a DVD inc. LibreOffice, Firefox,
Virtualbox & nearly 100 Open Source Software, for MSWin
10, 8 & 7 issued by Trinidad and Tobago Computer
Society, as offered 2016-09 on
Software Freedom Day Mail List
- A few of my other FAQs will cover this too:
- PS there's Linux &
BSD user clubs in
Munich/Muenchen. That page leads to other global indexes
Free can mean not just free of charge but eg:
- Free from security loopholes
(commercial software by contrast is usually marketed as "Easy
to use" which usually means "security
etc compromised to make initial use easier to promote
- Free of virus susceptibility - Hard to hide Viruses when
the source is freely & widely available for
- Free of restrictions, - As it comes with source code too,
so can be fixed & improved enhanced & upgraded free
of entrapment into biennial upgrade/ new release fees.
- Free of waiting - Bug reports can be emailed to
International lists, fixes can be developed while you sleep,
developers spread round the globe, so whatever time zone,
some usually awake. No waiting till a manufacturer's next
release next year.
- Microsoft addicts throw money away forever (both their
own money & their employers). Consider MS- DOS 1-5,
Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 & the other
non MS licenced dependent software too:
- How many times do they upgrade & re-license
applications because a Microsoft using colleague sent a newer
Mickey format the old program couldn't work with ? (&
after upgrade sooner or later they pass the relicense
infection on to the next person ;-) Then their operating
system need upgrading, then the hardware, (because the ever
more bloated & inefficient PS needs more powerful
hardware), then some drivers need upgrading, then the
applications again. How many times are Microsoft addicts
forced to relicense ? Answer: Forever ! Until they die ! When
will people realise buying commercial software is more like
renting it ? Rather like like buying a new car where the
wheels will regularly fall off every 2 or 3 years !
- Will you too continue buying licences (or boot legging
software) till you die ? Or till your employer loses
competitive edge against other companies Not paying or
boot-legging Microsoft & other commercial package vendors
? Why ignore free legal software ? Why give your competitors
the free financial advantage ?
- If you think buying software makes you safe, because you
have a vendor legally liable to support you, excuse us while
we laugh. ! That's wishful thinking, not reality !
- This author ( experience a systems
engineer, & computer
consultant has many a time had a problem, documented it
in an internet list posting, left to sleep, & come back
next morning to a solution - Free. & for the
international self support user groups , that's available
24/7 including weekends & holidays, Better than
commercial support !
- How much time have you wasted while your laptop if it
hasn't been on line for a week, consumes time, perhaps at
high mobile rates, while asking you & loading down ever
more patches or virus detectors ?
- Did you realise better operating systems with competent
users do
not Need virus detectors ?!
To Index
Reliability - Easy To Fix & Extend
- Your own tech support staff can patch things if
- Companies can employ from a free market of
competitive consultants to fix or customise what you need
Now, (If you've saved lots of money not regularly
re-purchasing bulk licences, you can afford occasional local
- You can get help from free self help groups, fast, no
waiting for new releases or official responses
- Binaries without sources encourage a paradigm of lots
of small suppliers, not co-operating, not checking,
higher risk of problems if humans fall ill, stop, or
small companies fail, or are bought, or discard obsolete
- Free Source corrects that, projects can supply base
of free code for import, & a recruitment pool of
spare experienced staff if local existing staff drop out,
& there's competition & improvement & cross
fertilisation to produce best code.
- You can fix urgent bugs Now, not wait for a new
release of the software from a monopoly software vendor
in months or a year, & hope a fix Might be included
- If you're scared that competitors may use the GNU/FSF Linux licence to
force your company to disclose proprietary improvements,
you can safely base your project instead on BSD.
- Remember the Russian saying, in German: "Vertrauen
ist Gut, Kontrol ist Besser ! = Trust is good,
Inspection/checking is better !" Maybe you personally
can't understand the source, but you can find someone who
can if needs be, & others probably already have read
it & checked it, or will. (Big projects like FreeBSD.Org
have even organised methodical read through of their
entire code base before now !)
- Maybe You'r American, Chinese, Russian, British,
German, French, Indian, Pakistani, Iranian, Israeli,
Syrian N/S Korean etc ? ... & you & your
government don't trust some of those others ?
So you have 2 alternatives: you can blind faith trust
all software produced by your fellow nationals, &
allies licensed by your government & allies - Dumb,
or what ?!
Or you take the alternative: use Public Domain Sources
that a load of people around the globe all look at, who
can't find security holes in the code, & who will
race to fix it if they do find holes).
- Free binaries with no sources are scarey: The
question of provenance & trust. Corporate IT staff
can't trust what they can't inspect (so why they trust
Micro$oft after the Word previous edits leakage is
anyone's guess ;-)
- Imagine an engine block made out of tough crystal -
where you can See your problem, & assess just how bad
it is, & & how to work round it or fix it, what
it might take to fix it.
- You & others can look for potential trouble ahead
of time & be confident there's no faults deliberately
hidden by the manufacturer !
- No dark places for criminals (or enemy governments
etc) to hide viruses.
- No dark places for rogue departments of alien
governments to get their software manufacturers to hide
security holes/ back doors, (hiding things in plain sight
is a lot harder).
At 2013-09 in Europe, distrust of & objection to
alien USA NSA spying on Europeans is pronounced. At 2
symposia (Tor Project & CODE) all were aware of USA
NSA spying & how with USA controlling { major
software designers & service providers with products
like MS-Windows & Apple & Google for OS &
some apps & browsers etc) for smart phones, & USA
companies like facebook & twitter running social
databases, & google & other USA owned search
engines, & Sybase mobile software etc } USA has a
wide target of companies to lean on to install back
doors. & we don't have the sources to check what
traffic might flow where.
- Security By Obscurity is an obsolete discredited
concept, made scarier when one realises some early
proponents like eg DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation)
(once a favourite manufacturer for systems engineers)
disappeared (with their binary VMS). One can't rely on
commercial companies staying around. One can rely on
public software written to public standards always being
around, at least in the archive, if one needs it.
- Security by [seriously expensive] certification from
national governments is a myopic view, presumably most
favoured by ignorant politicians who allocate funds for
it, civil servants who preside over the funds & build
heir empires, & their big industry software sales
but national certification of binary products is
Deeply Flawed: The mass market that will most easily
afford fat fees to government for software product
certification, will be for apps based on MS etc,
precisely the OS base one Least wants to trust. Small
companies won't easily afford to certify, nor
universities can't, & certainly not free software
authors & groups. Frequent updates to keep current
would also need frequent new certificate fees, so the
software would not remain so relevant to current
Government bodies (such as German BSI etc) would be
well advised to do Free code reviews of public security
software such as GPG
encryption & OpenSSH ) etc
to promote more real security at minimum expense.
To Index
What Drawbacks ? What's the catch ? Must be something bad
Draft: Occasionaly foolish code changes aka code butchering
gets forced, eg in Forcing may be done by
intelligent but arrogant programmers, without tempering by
management. There's no manager there to bang heads. The
phenomena is presumed intrinsic to other free projects
FreeBSD claim to have managers, as presumably other projects
do, but it's easy to claim to be a manager, much harder to
actually enforce management, particularly in the unpaid
sector; where some claim it's like herding cats.
In paid work, the young can be cheap & work hard &
know the latest, but every deptartment can benefit from 1 or
2 with more experience, they generaly include managers,
managers are not necessarily available or in power on free
BSD Unix
?, Linux ?, or Other ?
We in the Free World, generally think anything's nicer than
Micro$oft. Some Unix people with long experience think: Yes
Linux is nice, but BSD Unix is even nicer ! But both are good  . Linux &
BSD are just two types of Unix.
(There's many other types too, eg eg Mach, HP-UX,
Solaris, Ultrix, Sinix, Xenix, SCO etc though they're mostly
not free).
Linux & BSD
both come in various sub types beyond. (which usually
makes job advertisements that say "Must have Linux Experience" show the advertiser is
ignorant. Yes, this author is a Unix Consultant
& tends to regard Linux as just
another variant of Unix
To Index
Unix, Ports
collection has tens of
thousands of packages
- FreeBSD.Org
official Site. & Julian's Extra
Variants of Variant: There's several variants based on
FreeBSD (personally I stick to the main FreeBSD, but here
are some CDROM size variants generally aiming at ease of
installation for new users :
- Attractive to Newbies.
- Also comes in a German version.
- Web had intrusive adverts in middle of front
page @ 18.01.2007
Dead: &
A wrap of FreeBSD
that ew@ reckoned newer / better than PCBSD,
but he now notes in perpetual Beta, ever chasing
newer FreeBSD releases.
With a DVD tracking 7 before 7 was released, so maybe
they'll stay current. Web is raw though. Lack of links,
& Russian back to English switching fails @
There's various stripped small kernels for eg
firewalls & real time, eg
- NetBSD BSD Unix, more CPU types & board
architectures than Any other operating system.
- OpenBSD BSD Unix, emphasising security.
- DragonFlyBSD
branched from FreeBSD in 2003
to develop a different approach to concurrency, SMP,
- Berkeley In
Munich (A geographicly focused group of BSD users )
- Berkeley
In Munich's BSD Leaflet BSD overview + Comparison of FreeBSD, NetBSD OpenBSD
- O'Reilly
Network's new BSD DevCenter
- Darwin
(Apple's Free-Sourced BSD OS)
- List
of BSDs on the Linux site
SUPPORT: Free Help & Commercial Consultancy
- BSD Family Tree:
as mentioned on this list
To Index
- Linux Debian supported 10 processor
types @ 2006.10 (as releases, + 5 in progress) (second only
to NetBSD (& OpenBSD)). The reference Linux for developers
- Ubuntu
- knoppix
Linux CDROM bootable without hard
(BSD has similar, I also mastered a
FreeBSD on cdrom with no need of hard disk myself, long before
most people had heard of the idea, way before FreeBSD.Org did
one, but knoppix deserves respect for being first widely
known of the type) 
- There's loads of other Linuxes,
but many are commercial distributions. Copying lots of
their cdroms commercially is not legal, unlike BSD.
- If you want to browse Linux you
could try here:
To Index
Free source apps for Android at
- 2018-03-09: "The Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society
is pleased to announce TTCS OSSWIN online at
, an online resource of Free and Open Source Software for
Microsoft Windows 10/8/7. The web-based interface allows
you to quickly browse the variety of software organised
into the following categories:"
- 2018-03-09: "Free Software Directory --- co-run by
UNESCO in the early 2000s, but now carried by FSF ... all
software that we know to run on Windows"
Cyanogen for android phones
A free Win-NT
- Free
Software Foundation (FSF/Gnu/Hurd)

- Linux Equivalent
Project Nearly all the tools will run on BSD too I expect.
- OpenOffice one
of several Free office packages that even runs on Microsoft
Windows, as well as Linux, Sun Solaris, Mac OS X, and
- Free Open Source
Software Mac User Group
Office packages
- Common desk
top environment
- GnuWin.Org FSF/Gnu
Binaries for MS-Win - 700M Cdrom
- TheOpenCD.Org Public
Code for MS-Win - 300M Cdrom.
- FreeDos.Org a Free
sourced version of DOS.
- MS compatible cross compiler DJGPP & other
- - 16,000
free electronic books (@ August 2005)
- HAIKU open-source,
Inspired by the BeOS, getting a FreeBSD Network
Driver Compatibility Layer
German Book in Free PDF format - "Brevier für
Linux/Unix Kurzreferenz für Anwender, Entwickler und
- CAUTION: Scam Fees: Con Men At
Work. There's innumerable sites where one can freely
download free software; but con men too could set up sites
where they hide download fee,
& send you a bill later.
"XV6 - a simple Unix-like teaching operating system
Introduction - 2006"
- wikipedia: "Xv6
is a modern reimplementation of Sixth Edition Unix in
ANSI C for multiprocessor x86 systems. It is used for
pedagogical purposes in MIT's Operating Systems
Engineering (6.828) course."
- wikipedia:
"Contiki is an open source operating system for
networked, memory-constrained systems with a particular
focus on low-power wireless Internet of Things
Note links there to more OSs.
Plan 9 (Old pre 2013-05)
Announced 2013-09-18
- X-Windows: &
- Cygwin: GNU FSF tools : Unix-like environment and
command-line interface for Microsoft Windows. -
(Original developer: Cygnus
- Free
Virus scanners etc List for MonopolySoft If you'r Not
running a free OS, & not yet escaped MS, at least
partially protect yourself !
- DRM =
Digital Restrictions Management inc remote deletion of your
- FreeRTOS: Free Teal Time Operating System - GPL with an
optional exception.
Index at top
To Index
A 59 meg film from FSF, in WebM format (so time you abandoned
Flash format!):