<>Her Majesty, Queen
Buckingham Palace
The Mall
London SW1A 1AA
United Kingdom
Your Majesty,
You are the only recourse for 3.7 million British overseas
15 years or more, whom your UK parliament has deprived of
their right to vote, and to be represented by constituency
Please encourage parliament to urgently restore the right to
vote, that your Prime Ministers have promised, but failed to
700,000 British in the EU were denied votes in the Brexit
Referendum; people most knowledgeable of and affected by the
In Munich over 90 per cent of British at Brexit meetings are
applying to become German, and many are aggrieved the UK
denied them voting rights.
Britain loses "soft power" influence abroad, when
foreigners learn that Britain abuses its own citizens,
denying their right to vote.
Yours Sincerely, <>
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